Beds/Baths Max Occupants 6 3 BR 2 BA Action Links Add Favorite Request info PrintShare Listing Exterior ExteriorExterior ExteriorHot Tub for all year use! Hot Tub for all year use!Exterior ExteriorExterior ExteriorExterior ExteriorExterior ExteriorExterior ExteriorLarge living room with plenty of seating Large living room with plenty of seatingLiving Room with Big Screen TV Living Room with Big Screen TVLiving Room Living RoomGourmet Kitchen Gourmet KitchenKitchen and Dining Kitchen and DiningGourmet Kitchen Appliances Gourmet Kitchen AppliancesDining Area Dining AreaDining Area also Leads to Deck Dining Area also Leads to DeckMaster Bedroom with Slider to Back Deck Master Bedroom with Slider to Back DeckMaster Bathroom Master BathroomBedroom #2 Bedroom #2Bedroom #3 Bedroom #3Shared Bathroom Shared BathroomBack Deck Back DeckBack Deck Continued Back Deck Continued2 minute walk to lake! 2 minute walk to lake!Across the street! Across the street!Crystal Tahoe waters Crystal Tahoe watersLake views Lake viewsEmerald Bay Emerald BaySnowcap mountains Snowcap mountainsSand Harbor Sand HarborRocky shores Rocky shoresPaddleboard Tahoe Paddleboard TahoeSnowy trees Snowy treesWinter skiing Winter skiingGood Neighbor Info Good Neighbor InfoTahoe Rental Company Tahoe Rental CompanyChamberlands Beach and Pier bar Chamberlands Beach and Pier bar Arrival * Departure * Submit Featured AmenitiesWalk to LakeHOA AmenitiesHot TubGarage