Beds/Baths Max Occupants 8 3 BR 2 BA Action Links Add Favorite Request info PrintShare Listing Relax at this beautiful home in Tahoe City Relax at this beautiful home in Tahoe CityLarge grass area Large grass areaGas Fireplace and nicely appointed living place Gas Fireplace and nicely appointed living placeVaulted ceilings allow bright light Vaulted ceilings allow bright lightEntry door that leads to the dining and kitchen Entry door that leads to the dining and kitchenKitchen with stainless steel appliance Kitchen with stainless steel applianceDining area with forest view Dining area with forest viewBedroom #1- Primary Bedroom #1- PrimaryPrimary Bathroom Primary BathroomBedroom #2 Bedroom #2Bedroom #3 Bedroom #3Bathroom #1 Bathroom #1Loft area with sleeping for two Loft area with sleeping for twoEntryway and room for storage Entryway and room for storageNice patio furniture throughout property to relax on Nice patio furniture throughout property to relax onFirst Floor First FloorSecond Floor Second FloorLake views Lake viewsSand Harbor Beach Sand Harbor BeachCrystal Tahoe Waters Crystal Tahoe WatersPaddleboard Tahoe Paddleboard TahoeTahoe Meadows Tahoe MeadowsSnowcap Mountains Snowcap MountainsEmerald Bay Emerald BayRocky shores Rocky shoresSnowy trees Snowy treesWinter skiing Winter skiingGood Neighbor Info Good Neighbor InfoTahoe Rental Company Tahoe Rental Company Arrival * Departure * Submit Featured AmenitiesSki LeaseFireplace