Beds/Baths Max Occupants 5 3 BR 2 BA Action Links Add Favorite Request info PrintShare Listing Front of our cute cabin! Front of our cute cabin!Welcome to our Hillside Hideaway! Welcome to our Hillside Hideaway!Front deck Front deckInterior InteriorHot tub with wood setting Hot tub with wood settingEntrance and Living Room Entrance and Living RoomFireplace, dining, and living room area Fireplace, dining, and living room areaSmart TV Smart TVDining area Dining areaDining and kitchen entry Dining and kitchen entryKitchen with bar Kitchen with barUpgraded counters in kitchen Upgraded counters in kitchenBedroom 1: Downstairs- Full Bedroom 1: Downstairs- FullShared Bathroom downstairs Shared Bathroom downstairsBedroom 2: King-TV- Balcony Bedroom 2: King-TV- BalconyBedroom 3: Queen- Upstairs Bedroom 3: Queen- UpstairsBathroom 2: remodel Bathroom 2: remodelBathroom 2: Stand shower Bathroom 2: Stand showerInterior InteriorInterior InteriorFront deck view Front deck viewCrystal Tahoe waters Crystal Tahoe watersLake views Lake viewsSandy Beaches Sandy BeachesTahoe Meadows Tahoe MeadowsRocky shores Rocky shoresPaddleboard Tahoe Paddleboard TahoeEmerald Bay Emerald BaySnowcap mountains Snowcap mountainsSnowy trees Snowy treesWinter skiing Winter skiingGood Neighbor Info Good Neighbor InfoTahoe Rental Company Tahoe Rental Company Arrival * Departure * Submit Featured AmenitiesWalk to LakeHot TubFireplace